I love it
1. The StG 44 is a rifle, it is actually the first assault rifle and is chambered in 7.92 Kurtz 2. No FN FAL 3. No reciprocating bolts 4. Add the real G3 chambered in 7.62 NATO 5. Add infantry rifles to the game such as the Lee enfield and the Kar 98K and the famous SKS type 56 in 7.62x39mm Soviet 6. Add a mode where you fight enemy insurgents that use old guns like the infantry rifles I named and the AKM or AK-47 and give them small amounts of health since they do not wear armor. That’s all, please read and consider my suggestions
It’s fun to build the guns but you have to pay real money for a gun category
Good game but there was a campaign that was strategy put I don’t know where it is now
You should make everything else free with ads
It’s very good needs some work though but it’s a very fun game but I don’t get why it says “gun builder 3” there’s only one of these games
It was really good and I really liked it but the only thing that I didn’t like it cost money for guns but I really love it and it’s my favorite app and I’ll never delete it. It’s my favorite and I love it and I love it and I love it. I’ll never delete it. I don’t care what anybody says. It’s my favorite game ever. I don’t care what anybody says Saying I shouldn’t play with guns because I’m only 13. I don’t care. It’s good. I love it.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍🥰😍😍🥰😘😘🥰😍😍🥰🥰😘😘
The bullets take gravity into effect, no other games do this. You can customize so much! Best game I’ve seen. Could you maybe make gun building 4? That would be great. Overall, 11/10 great job
I was trying to find a gunmaking game, which you didn’t have to pay for the parts and I just found it right here whatever your gun wants to be able to add a second weapon to the bottom of it! I recommend this game for people who like sandbox games I highly recommend this game thank you developer for making this awesome game!
So first of all you can only run in this game. Just no walking. Second of all you can only make rifles in this game. I had to unlock everything for 14 dollars to get these guns. And third the guns have special reloadings and you can’t make the animations. That’s all but the game is still awesome.
I liked it better when it had the battle+strategy feature
Why do we have to spend real money on extra guns??
The game is VERY good. But they do need to add more modern weapons and make some of the weapon types free, not just Assault rifles.
So it’s really fun but one thing they could definitely change is that you have to buy to unlock certain weapons basically anything that’s not a rifle you can have unless you pay money for it and I just don’t really feel like spending money for a mobile game
you have to pay 2.99 for every type of gun except the rifle, you have to pay to use camo. it isn't a free game
This game hasn’t lost its flavor. Not one mobile game has this much creativity within each weapon. It’s an art. Outstanding game and a great idea for a AAA title
Good game... but do they think I’m Elon musk you have to pay to live in this game. But I like it.
The best
Can you PLEASE make every thing free like you just want money💀💀💀
It is rellay fun
The game it’s self is really fun but it should not make you pay to use different gun it’s unfair to other people 2.99 for online guns it’s a scam to pay that much Overall pretty fun game
So they kinda removed most features which made the game fun. Like naming the guns and knowing which gun and stuff. and yeah
Good game but I recently download it because I want too play with guns but all you can have is rifles!
This game is good but make the pistol and other stuff free
Look we get it. ya need money for ya works, but this is bit too much p2w. This is slightly killing the game as a cancer, please fix this so you can live. Maybe make a way to get donations or something, people will appreciate your work if this happens
I love the m14
It would be really nice if different rounds could input different amounts of damage, the m4 applies the same damage as a SCAR, an unrealistic aspect. It would be greatly appreciated if different rounds with different damage inputs could be chosen for rifles.
when i installed this game, it was so good because you could make your own guns! and when you go to the menu, you can test your gun out! there are zombies, shooting ranges, viewing, simulations, and all of that makes it so much fun! you can pay to make more guns like smgs, grenades, shotguns, snipers, melees, and more! and even my dad made cool guns!
This game is insanely realistic, compared to some other games, at least. But don’t make people pay for pistols at least.
You have to pay for the other stuff $3 per gun crazy
kinda GAY we have to spend money for other guns
Keep updating it please! Make it pretty!
It’s cool but you have to buy EVERYTHING like you only get one thing and it’s mid it’s kinda fun but not that fun and game 2013 is freaking terrifying played it at night worst mistake I’ve ever made with headphones on
It is awsome. But I wish getting smg,leg,sniper and stuff did not cost money. It would be cool if you fought soldiers not zombies!and more guns!
Please add the hi vp70
It's a great game to seeing weapons
I use to play this game and I loved it but now that they removed the battle sim thing im kind of sad and rlly want it back :(
Gonna keep it simple: Poor graphics, not enough sound effects, loud balloon pops, etc.
Shotguns don’t shoot anything
Re-added the shooting range. :) 5 stars, as I love this game and always find myself coming back for more. :P
Ok so if you are willing to pay $3 per weapon you can only do rifles no shotguns pistoles melees smgs lmgs etc you have to pay $14 for all and you have limited guns 🤬🤬🤬
Thank u gunbuilder 3 for adding the shooting range back 5stars.
I give this a 4 stars because it has micro transactions for all weapons at least put some ads okay man! But add a bit more guns okay!
So first off I’d like to mention that I’m glad to see the dev came back to update this game. I’m really enjoying the reload animations. I’m probably soon going to buy the rest of the guns. But I hope in the future we will be able to reload some of the guns that don’t have the option like (M1 garand and Calico) but still very fun. I’d recommend.
First add the Mk 23 pistol complete with laser sight Second please add the spas 12 stock to the spas 12 shotgun Do that and this game is 5 stars
I can’t figure out how to access the shooting range. Help please?